2 hours in Rakvere: A castle theme park and a big bull statue
Who doesn’t love a theme park? Particularly, one set in a castle? Luckily, a castle theme park in Rakvere fills our 2-hour wait between the bus from Kasmu and the bus to Tartu.
Rakvere Castle
Initially built in the 5th-6th century, Rakvere Castle has been home to Danish Kings, the Livonian Order’s knight-monks, and the Swedish and Polish states. Polish troops blew the castle up in 1605.
Someone decided that instead of rebuilding the castle, we should turn it into a theme park—a theme park that represents the everyday life of the 16th century.
We shot a bow and then a crossbow. I sucked. We dressed up and had a sword fight and a pike battle. Michael won. We passed on the forging, pottery and coin minting. We did, however, wander into the torture chamber.
Tarvas statue
We rush out to see the other famous landmark in Rakvere. A bull statue. Well, an auroch, but who knows what an auroch is? It turns out it is (or was) a giant, long-horned wild ox that is now extinct.
Why, you ask? Well, I’m not sure why. I can’t read Estonian, so the plaque wasn’t helpful. Perhaps it is because the castle is on the ‘Tarvanpea’ or ‘head of an aurochs’ hill? Or maybe it’s because aurochs once roamed the castle, and it looks like the auroch is roaming it? Or perhaps it’s because they like aurochs? Who knows?
Either way, the town built it for its 700th birthday. If I ever reach 700, I’d also like a giant bull statue, please.