East Lake and Beyond
A day trip to East Lake, Wuhan and Wuhan University.
Love is in the Air
I’ve been lucky enough to spend the last two days witnessing the marriage of two TDM teachers to their Chinese brides. Whilst neither wedding was traditional, both were considerably different to a Western wedding.
A Day in Wuhan
A ferry trip, century egg salad and the two bridges of Wuhan. A lovely way to spend one of my first days off work.
Wuhan, China
Arriving in Wuhan, to a modern city with a long history. And very little English. Today is the first day of my Chinese adventure.
It’s time to go
My 3 months is over and I'm going out in style.
Farewell party at the orphanage
Party hats, roti pizza and party games ensured my last Saturday at the orphanage was celebrated in fine style.
Gai Jatra: Bhaktapur’s Cow Festival
It was the first day of the dark fortnight of Gunla, and every family who lost a relative this year is leading a cow through the streets of Bhaktapur.
Patan Zoo
A visit to the zoo seemed to be the only way I could see a one-horned rhino and a bengal tiger while in Nepal.
Manakamana, Gorkha, Bandipur and Pokhara
Travelling the Prithvi highway took us to the Manakamana temple, Gorkha fort, Siddha's Cave and the picturesque Pokhara.
Cleanup at the Orphanage
Thanks to James and Dina, the scabies are gone!