Hi there. My name’s Suze. In 2006, I got the travel bug when I spent almost two years abroad in Nepal and China.
Arriving home, I vowed to visit a new destination every year.
Since then, I married an amazing man and together we are travelling around the world. Join Michael and I on our journey.
My favourite destinations
Everyone always asks me where my favourite destinations are. Everywhere I go has a special place in my heart, but here are my favourites:
Li Jiang, China
A beautiful old town with a rich history. Learn more about tractors, water wheels and being able to bargain in Chinese at Yunnan Encounters – From Kunming to LiJiang.
Pohkara, Nepal
I loved Kathmandu but what can beat the sunny skies, the taxi drivers, the paragliding and the nightlife of Pokhara.
Yekaterinburg, Russia
Our own version of the Russian baboushkas, my first sled ride and a day of dog sledding during the Train ride part 3 – Irkutsz to Yekaterinburg.
Tallinn, Estonia
Boy oh boy this town is beautiful. Stunning architecture and the friendliest travellers tent around. Beers in an abandoned prison, the almightiest rain storm of all and the world’s most expensive toilet can be found at Old town Tallinn.
Dingle, Ireland
I wasn’t there for long but the fake dolphins and picturesque coastlines have infiltrated my brain. See more about the pints and castles of my Irish travels at Shamrocking it up.