

Farewell Wuhan

Farewell Wuhan

It comes time to leave Wuhan, and I leave it with teary eyes. Even when I’m back in Australia, I’ll miss the place, not having to dodge unidentified piles on the ground. I’ll miss my friends, whether they are Chinese or foreign. And in the sense of reminiscing, here are some of the memories of Wuhan, China.

The Early Days

These were the days when I first arrived, moving into the 23rd floor with Babylyn and Jim. We were a small group in Wuchang, and most of the time was spent in Hankou with the teachers on the other side of the river.

Living with Sarah and Courtney

Then came the four months living with Sarah and Courtney from Canada (and Victor for a little longer than we all would have wished). With more teachers in Wuchang, I spent more time locally. Our favourite hangout was on Sunday nights with Brown at the local pub.

The Influx of Teachers

All of a sudden, there seemed to be more teachers than students. We welcomed Lorraine, Damian, Jennifer, Brittany, Amanda and more. Plus, we had a few visits from the magicians! Goodbye and thanks to Sarah, Courtney, Jennifer B, Brittany, Amanda, Damian, Lorraine, Jennifer A, Lily, Hani, Steve, Kevin, Lee, Isi, John, Andy, Mike, Has, Dan, Mike and everyone else that I worked with.

Brittany, Bryan, Mike the Magician, Eric and Jennifer (and their friends)

And then there were the locals

Or at least some of them… sorry for those who aren’t shown below. It’s mainly through lack of a good photo, so you should probably be thanking me… or at least some of you should be. Hi and goodbye to Christina, Kitty, Charlie, Wendy, Amy, Rita, Angela, Stone, Judy, Amanda, Anny, Fairy, Bryan, Nicole, Joyce, Kelly, Angel, Eric, Linda, Yali (and the crew at Dancing Dao), Monica, Brown (and the crew at Vox), the family in the downstairs apartment, the lady who sold me my seafood sticks and all the thousands of people that helped me get around Wuhan with my bad Chinese.

Last but not Least

The kids…